If you have elderly parents, you may already have a good idea about what they want to happen to their assets after they die. Still, both to minimize confusion and to avoid future legal battles, it is a good idea to have your parents write a will. Because the document...
Estate Litigation
What are some different kinds of estate litigation?
You likely hope that you can pass your estate to your children after your death with no problems. However, the probate process does not always go smoothly. Sometimes heirs end up going to court to contest for their share of an estate in addition to other forms of...
How designated beneficiaries can upend your estate plans
All Florida residents should be sure to create an estate plan, and it's important to update relevant documents as needed after a birth, divorce or other significant life event. If you plan on reviewing your final wishes, knowing more about the designated beneficiaries...
The ins and outs of contesting a will
Disputing the provisions in a will is a time honored trope in TV and movies. In reality, that happens much less frequently than it did on Murder, She Wrote. There are very limited grounds on which someone can contest a will in Florida. They include things like not...
Can you contest a will?
Florida residents who have constructed a will may have it contested upon their death. The reality is that not just anyone can contest a will. For a person to legally contest a deceased person's will, they will need to have standing and grounds for doing so. Who has...
Who are interested parties in a Florida will?
Anger and discontent might follow the release of a will's directives if individuals left out of the will think they were unfairly left out. Sometimes, a testator chooses to write a relative out of the will, or someone wrongly feels entitled. There are instances in...
How do people contest wills?
Everyone has seen a movie or TV show where a will becomes a major plot point. Someone's been left out, and they're mad about it, possibly to the extent of challenging the will. People in Florida should know that this does sometimes happen in real life. It's a called a...