If you have yet to find the time to make a will, you are not alone. Many people put off making a will because they assume they will not need one any time soon. Unfortunately, this assumption means many individuals pass away before they have time to plan. If you fail...
Month: September 2022
Does the probate process follow the will to the letter?
Probate is the process by which the court verifies the validity of a will and oversees the distribution of the deceased's assets. The process is usually legally necessary with the exception of certain cases in which a living trust is in place. An individual's will is...
Should you consider a special needs trust for your disabled child?
If you are the parent of a disabled child, you know the special care and attention he or she needs. You also know that a lot of this care is not only expensive but also requires your coordination and oversight. What happens if you become ill, injured or otherwise...
Is your organ donor card enough?
When they die, Americans are increasingly choosing to give the ultimate gift to someone who is suffering from a serious illness or injury. In fact, according to the Human Resources and Services Administration, there are currently approximately 169 million registered...